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What Our Clients Have to Say


Nigel Woodhead FMG Young Farmer of the Year 2017.

Nigel has used Gibb-Gro now for over two years and he is very happy with the results and value.


“My name is Wayne Hofmann, I graduated with First Class Honours in Agriculture from Massey University in 2009. My thesis involved  investigating the effect of gibberellic acid and nitrogen on pasture dry-matter yield using the commercially available product ProGibb SG (1)

(a.i. 40% gibberellic acid).”

This research concluded that gibberellic acid is another useful tool available to farmers to help them achieve the balance between feed supply and demand. My parents farm at Waihi and have been using Gibb-Gro (a.i. 90% Gibberellic acid) since last spring after previously using ProGibb SG (1).

I am seeing no major variation in the dry-matter responses achieved with Gibb-Gro compared to those achieved with ProGibb SG (1). The one difference that is noticeable between these two commercially available gibberellic acid-based products is the cost per hectare with Gibb-Gro being noticeably cheaper.

We continue to use Gibb-Gro.



“Murray Steele Trial, Gibb-Gro v ProGibb, 2009”

Murray and Paula Steele are very well-known and prominent farmers from Rotorangi near Cambridge. Murray was using ProGibb. He had heard about Gibb-Gro and decided to compare. Trials started in early July, a paddock was pegged into two strips and both products were applied the same day.

Plate metering was done on the 28th of July, and ProGibb was ahead of Gibb-Gro by 56kgs DM, on the 12th of August plate metering saw ProGibb still ahead by the same amount as before,( 56kgs DM.) However, on the 20th of August, there was a turnaround and Gibb-Gro was now ahead by 84kgs DM and on the final reading on the 27th of August “Gibb-Gro was 170kgs DM ahead of ProGibb (1).”


“Even on my steep country I could see a good response which I did not really expect. The flats were amazing”.

Murray and Sue Edens, sheep and beef, 400 hectares, Opito Bay.



Ricky and Jenny Duggan milk 220 predominantly jersey cows near Ngatea on the Hauraki Plains. They achieve just under 400kg of milk solids per cow. Ricky says while they are known to have a good herd the secret is of course in the feeding. They have an all-grass system and rely heavily on Gibb-Gro to keep them out of trouble he says. He sprays on the Gibb-Gro in the Autumn, with his weed spraying in June, and follows behind the cows in the Spring.

(1) Pro-Gibb is a registered Tradename of Nufarm Limited.